Title: Observing multi-TeV Electrons with the Cosmic Ray Electron Synchrotron Telescope (CREST)


At energies above a few TeV, cosmic ray electrons lose energy so rapidly in our galaxy that they must originate from local sources within a few kpc. The rarity of possible TeV cosmic accelerators suggests that any electrons seen at these energies originate in at most a few sources. Any electrons observed at TeV energies would signal the existence these sources and would reveal important clues about the acceleration mechanism. The Cosmic Ray Electron Synchrotron Telescope (CREST) is designed to observe multi-TeV electrons through synchrotron radiation emitted as electrons bend in the geomagnetic field. CREST was first launched on Christmas eve, 2012 on a long-duration balloon from McMurdo Station, circumnavigating Antarctica for 10 days. Analysis of data recovered from this maiden flight of CREST is now underway and preparations for future flights including an ultra-long duration balloon flight are being planned.