Title: A report from NeSS: the International Workshop on Neutrinos and Subterranean Science


NeSS 2002 was defined by a statement in the fiscal year 2003 budget request for the NSF submitted by the President to the US Congress. This request includes the following statement pertaining to research on neutrino collectors, including applications for underground research: "Such research, including underground applications, will also be the subject of a major NSF Workshop on neutrino research projects and a National Academy of Sciences' Report." Numerous previous workshops, NRC reviews, and advisory committee deliberations have been undertaken focusing on prospects for experimental research in physics and other disciplines that can be carried out in an underground laboratory. The goal of the upcoming NeSS 2002 workshop is to build on these prior deliberations and provide a coherent and comprehensive document for use by federal funding agencies, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Congress. In particular, the NeSS 2002 Working Group Leaders are charged to produce a road map that will guide these investigations worldwide over the next few years. Some of the highlights, motivations, and initial conclusions of the NeSS 2002 workshop will be presented.