Title: The T2K Near Detector Tracker


The T2K experiment will use an off-axis neutrino beam, produced at the future Japanese Proton Accelerator Research Center, directed towards the Super Kamiokande detector, some 300 km away, in order to measure neutrino oscillation parameters. To monitor the neutrino beam and measure neutrino interaction cross sections, on-axis and off-axis "near detectors" will be constructed 280 m downstream of the proton target. The off-axis detector will use the UA1 magnet and include fine grained scintillator targets, an electromagnetic calorimeter, and Time Projection Chamber (TPC) modules. The presentation will introduce the T2K project, report on its status, and focus on the plans for the off axis near detector, in particular the TPCs. The design of the TPC will take advantage of recent work that has been carried out to develop a TPC for a future Linear Collider. The talk will include recent results from TPC R&D undertaken at Victoria and elsewhere.