Title: Options for a vertex detector at the future TeV-scale e+e- linear collider


In order to extract the physics known to be measurable at the linear collider (LC), and to maximise its discovery potential, a very high performance vertex detector will be needed. The requirements became apparent particularly at SLD, where the importance of excellent b and charm tagging, and of being able to tag the charge of leading b or charm quarks in jets, was established. Due to high track densities at small radius, a finely segmented pixel detector is essential. There is general agreement that some form of silicon imaging device will be preferred, due partly to the success of the SLD CCD-based vertex detector of 307 Mpixels, and partly to the breathtaking pace of development of silicon imaging devices for many applications. Technologies currently receiving serious R&D effort from the linear collider community include CCDs, monolithic and hybrid active pixel sensors, SOI-based imagers, and DEPFET devices. In this talk, I will describe the particular requirements for the LC vertex detector (very different from LHC), outline the current R&D programmes, and indicate the hoped-for route to a harmonious convergence for the LC physics programme. different from LHC), outline the current R&D programmes, and indicate the