7. Directions for Future Research. Von Neumann's formulation of quantum theory brings human brains and minds explicitly into the dynamics via the operators P(e), which specify the neural correlates of a person's conscious experiences. A principal task is now to map out these connections, and understand the principles by which they operate. These tasks are facilitated in quantum theory, vis a vis classical theory, by the fact that the mapping between the two domains enters explicitly into the dynamical equations in a way that allows conscious intentions and efforts to causally influence brain activity in a way generally concordant with William James's theory of ideo-motor action and volition. The explicitly represented causal connection between effortful choosing and experiential feedback allows the functional efficacy of the intentional conscious thought to enter naturally, through trial-and-error learning, into the determination of the mapping P(e): each of us conditions by practice his own brain so that his intentional efforts will produce the intended consequences. A closely connected question is the nature of the causal origin of the choices described by Process 1. How do the prior states of the brain and states of consciousness conspire to fix or influence these choices? Quantum theory opens up the physical theory in a way that accomodates causally efficacious consciousness, and it also imposes strong conditions on how it works. But does not fix the model completely. The general formulas of Newton did not completely specify classical physics, and, similarly, the general formulas of von Neumann do not specify quantum theory completely. Thoughout this survey I have adhered to the pragmatic scientific perspective, rather than the ontological one: science is viewed as a human effort involving human thoughts and actions, and their useful consequences, not as an attempt to comprehend the ultimate nature of reality. Within that scientific framework human thoughts stand out, because the entire conceptual structure is within human thought and about human thought. Dogs, horses, and chimpanzees are treated as parts of the world that always evolve in accordance with the local mechanical Process 2. When interest is enlarged to encompass moral issues and evolutionary biology a shift to a broader framework is required. This extension is hindered by the difficulty of interspecies communication. The existence of these large outstanding issues emphasizes that the developments in our understanding of conscious enabled by requiring it to be logically compatible with the laws of physics has barely begun.